My dad signed a lease early this January on an EQB. He saw the recent EQS deals nearby and wants to see if he can get an EQS instead.
It’s only been 2-3 months and I was wondering what his options would be. I spoke to a few dealers but it seems as though they want us to come in person.
The beauty here you can have more than one spouse…get the one you love and keep the old one for dirty jobs….Home depot, muddy kids…
That’s how I end up with 4 e-waste on driveway
The EQS deals are going to look really ugly once that negative equity is factored into the equation. As others have said, get your payoff (sans tax) and then collect third party offers. The dealers are just going to build the negative equity into the new car and try to make you believe they are getting you out free and clear.