Help with a Venza LE lease in PA

Hey guys,

I am specifically looking for a Venza LE 36/10k lease. The NE brokers don’t seem to have inventory and the best I could do with a local dealer is $385/month with $1000 down on a color I that is my last choice. I have cast a net of about 50 miles for dealers in PA and have gotten mixed responses of no inventory or no help. Any other suggestions?

They probably got mostly cleared out with last months deals, it was one of the best deals for a decent sized SUV. You’re either going to have to search further, take the deal or wait it out tbh.

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To be honest I should have plenty in June but the pricing with my fee will be similar to your quote, if residual and mf stay about the same. So if you can wait I’ll likely be able to get your color. But it is a risk pricing could rise…

Is that at MSRP with no security deposits?

Last Thursday I got an LE lease at 4% under MSRP, and the MSDs made it a great deal. It’s a tight market but keep at it and you’ll find someone willing to give you a better deal.

It may be worth it to expand your geographic range and find a 4-5% discount and use whatever you would pay a broker towards shipping or going to pick it up.

Yea, this deal fell through anyway. The last LE sold. I would like to work with you if prices are stable next month.

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At MSRP with no MSDs. You are right, something better will come up eventually.

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