For Kentucky. Dealer website shows MSRP $72,325 for Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe (plug in hybrid) Dealer discount $7300, Bonus Cash $2000. Todays best price $63025. The rate calculator shows incentivized Stelantis lease for 36/10. Requires 27F option (what is that?).
Dealer has mentioned I can’t get all of their discounts if I have an incentivized lease. Their discount would be reduced by $2000 and by another $2000 if I don’t trade 2013 vehicle or newer. Is this common? Dealer says my discount would be about $12,500 (and that includes the $7500 EV tax credit). What would be a good selling lease price for this if not the $63025 with full advertised discount? First post here. Hope this makes sense. Thank you!