Help with 2019 Volvo XC60 Loaner

Long-time lurker, first-time poster (you guys are an awesome resource!), and would love your help.
I’m working with a dealer here in the PNW on an XC60 loaner. I’m at 16.8% off MSRP before incentives on a T6 Momentum (with the sweet Advanced package) with around 5000 miles on it. We had basically come to an agreement last night but they had an issue with getting the paperwork for the lease together (true or not, who knows?), so I’m going back to sign tonight. Is it reasonable to ask for even more off the selling price at this point, considering I haven’t signed anything yet?

They told me Volvo doesn’t do MSDs on loaners, but seems like people here have successfully used them, right?

Also, they said that Volvo requires adjusting the residual down to account for the loaner miles, even though I’m willing to take the hit and roll it into the 10k/year allowance. Is this true?

Finally, they mentioned some plan for around $22/month where it gives up to $5000 worth of coverage at turn-in for things like dings, dents, mileage overage, which also waives the disposition fee. Seems like a no-brainer, but I haven’t seen the paperwork yet. Anybody else have experience with this? Thanks!

You can keep negotiating as long as you want, if you haven’t agreed to their offer yet. 16.8% is strong.
You can do MSDs on loaners.
There will be $1,000 price adjustment for 5k miles.
That plan will not cover mileage overage, I think. Make sure you read it carefully.

Avoid the wear and tear plan, pure dealer profit center (doubly so if you see it’s a third party insurance co and no Volvo Financial).

As can absolutely put MSDs on Volvo loaners. I’ve done it this month.

Seems like you have a pretty good deal and are close. What’s your monthly and DAS?

Thanks, guys! Here’s what the deal is looking like now, before MSDs.

Although, they told me the wear and tear plan covered mileage overage, so I was going to go with 7500 miles for a 1% bump in residual. I’ll roll that back if it doesn’t really cover it.
Any thoughts/suggestions?