Help me with a Lease on a small SUV (NYC)

I’m desperately trying to find a lease quickly on a small SUV (any make, don’t care). While I wait for someone at Ford and Jeep to contact me, I finally heard back from Hyundai. Here’s what I’m looking at so far:

2018 Hyundai Tuscon LE AWD

MSRP: 25,275
Discount: 747.67
Rebate: 6900.00
Adjusted Price: 17,627.33
Cash Down: 0 (excludes tax, title, first month, dmv)
36mo/10k miles
Monthly Payment 269

Rebates used was
-Military (I believe they gave me an extra 500 for a total of 1000 for Veterans Day)
-Boostup they match 500 for a total of 1000
-Recent grad
-and random other rebates for being an “old model”

What do you guys think? I’m trying to see if I can get better than this with other brands. I know you can’t compare apples to oranges but the nitty gritty is smaller SUV with AWD.

That’s a terrible deal. The discount is minimal. You should probably just contact a broker like @nyclife.

Find a 2018 Forester.

This is EXACTLY why I ran to you guys with this… I’m such a n00b at this I thought it was a decent deal.

Actually a week ago I spoke to a friend (who has a friend) who I believe is a broker and (with out giving me any sheet, printout, specs, anything over text told me:

2018 Rav4 SE AWD
EDIT First month, plates, bank fee Due at signing

That was my “baseline”… I really need to get my head straight cause that Rav4 seems like a worse deal… Especially because they were remodeled for 2019

Doesn’t sound terrible depending on MSRP and what he means with “0 down” which isn’t the same as “$0 due at signing” and also depending on your state, Toyota has diff Finance branches for different regions and lease numbers vary.

Sorry about that, I jus re-read the text and edited my post… Looks like it’ll be first month, plates, and bank fees due at signing…

Is it “impossible” to get into the sub 250 range with these type of cars?

Have you considered a Buick Encore ? Depending on timing and rebates you qualify, they tend to be the cheapest leases often sub $200 and have a lot of standard features compared to some of the competitors

For fees up front and ~$250/mo, Honcker has a RAV4 XLE with $29k MSRP. I’m in NJ, so maybe this would be similar for you in NYC.

And here is an Encore

Does it need to be that small? Quentin has posted an insane deal on the QX60 you should seriously consider.

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Don’t forget to look at the Terrain/Equinox