You do know we spend almost triple the amount on entitlements that we do on the military? We could completely eliminate the military budget and it wouldn’t make a dent. The only real way to curb our spending would be massive cuts to entitlements and that’s not happening.Don’t get me wrong I think the military budget should be cut. Especially most of our bases over seas. I am just saying people act like that’s our only spending problem which is total BS.
The way to save the most money is to stop paying interest on the national debt and start issuing our own currency independent of the federal reserve. If we did that income taxes could literally be halved and there would be enough money/resources for everyone to prosper. But they need a highly visual lower class to keep the middle class slaving away to pay into their interest based system. They also want us upset about entitlements to divide us, we have much more in common with the homeless beggars then the political and industrial elite.
The last 2 presidents that proposed something similar got their heads blown off. Lincoln wanted greenbacks to pay for the civil war, after his death the national banking act was implemented. Kennedy also was reforming the banking system and after his death those changes were all dismantled.
The tallest buildings in every city are always banks. They def won’t give up their power without a fight. Of course this video keeps getting taken down at censortube but it’s full of great info.
Read a WSJ article a few days ago claiming the US military has poor readiness……the criteria they used is the ability to fight two wars at once
“Heritage rates the U.S. military as “weak” and “at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests.”
“The index measures the military’s ability to prevail in two major regional conflicts at once—say, a conflict in the Middle East and a fight on the Korean peninsula.”
There was more truth in Pravda…
The resources are out there for anyone who wants to blackpill themselves but the mainline sources are all lying through their teeth to not induce panic until the big boys with big toys have all found shelter.
Facts are not important
Neither bc it was all fudged numbers as well. Borrowing from social security doesn’t reduce the deficit as much as they want to use shadow statistics to prove otherwise.
I agree with everything you just said. I am not against entitlements because they go to the poor. I am against them because we are giving away money we don’t have. I am for cutting all spending, I only mentioned entitlements since that is our largest spend and people always attack the military thinking we spend the most on the military which isn’t true. The federal reserve is a disaster just like every other large federal agency. They do way more harm than good.
You still wearing that mask and hiding at home or finally they gave your green light to come out. Those facts?
We were supposed to have a small federal govt. This is the result of allowing them more and more power, it’s uncontrollable now. It’s much easier to fix issues at a local and state level.
Americans have proven to be the most generous country in the world when it comes to charitable donations. Which is what should fund entitlements. Those charitable organizations are another can of worms that need to be revised, many give less then 10% to the actual cause. It’s all a mess
Only problem is that the federal reserve is not actually part of the government
This is true, in a way. We spend 2.7 trillion on social security and health care. But it is not actually a 2.7 trillion dollar allotment. The vast majority of SSA’s 1.2 trillion dollar budget comes from OASDI taxes people paid in for benefits not discretionary spending. People are relying on those benefits and they are self-funded. The money to pay for them is already in the trust fund.
The biggest reason dealing with the budget is so hard is it is enormously complex. In 100% good faith you looked up the numbers and said wow we spend a way more entitlements than anything else. What is not clear is that a lot of that spending is self-funding. It’s not spending you can cut. SSA 1.2 billion dollar budget is mostly funded by the SSA trust fund. If you cancel SSA you have to return the money people paid into the trust fund back to them.
I know a lot more about SSA than Medicare so I can’t say how much of Medicare’s $782 billion dollar budget is funded by payroll taxes. Probably not that much. But old people need health insurance so I have zero idea what the alternative would be?
The alternative is privatization. SS as it is will eventually collapse on itself. This will never happen because no politician will vote for it but that is the solution.
You are playing semantics. They control our currency and monetary policy that is what matters.
3+ hrs?? I just need the trailer lol
Everything I watch on censortube I watch at 1.5x or better. lol
I understand how inefficient government is but how do you use privatization for old people’s healthcare. What would the premiums be for an 80 year old with diabetes, obesity and a heart disease. Or someone requiring dialysis.
There is no market based solution because that’s not how insurance works. Insurance assigns you a premium based on perceived risk. No amount of increased efficiency can deal with the cost of someone certain to need expensive drugs/treatment for the remainder of their life and very likely to have multiple prolonged inpatient stays within short order.
Want to live into your 80s? Take care of your diet now. Why are we subsidizing poor lifestyle choices? Not everyone deserves to live into their 80s. That’s a relatively new phenomenon that comes with extreme burdens on the system. Those burdens also create immense profits to big pharma. We also subsidize medication for the rest of the world at the cost to Americans. The whole system needs to be dismantled and we need to focus on education. Pizza doesn’t cover the 4 food groups like they try to claim in schools.
Well worth it. 30 mins at a time but I bet once you get 30 mins in you’ll binge the whole thing. If you have an attention span.
Isn’t that the definition of the 2008 crash and the current Auto Loan Crisis? We are paying for other people’s bad choices.
I feel like it’s more paying for banksters poor choices. It’s their job to vet borrowers. Not everyone deserves a house and a car either.