Guidelines for Moderation

Updated Moderation Guidelines

  • Users found in violation of Moderation Guidelines will receive a warning from @admins via private message (PM).

  • Users who have received one warning but continue to engage in the same violation may have their accounts suspended or silenced by @admins.

  • @trusted_hackrs may continue to close, move, and merge topics and posts in accordance with the Moderation Guidelines above. However, any subsequent posts related to moderation shall be done via PM, so as to not take the conversation off-topic.

  • Trusted Hackrs are held to a higher standard than normal users. In addition to complying with these guidelines, Trusted Hackrs shall be professional and courteous. This includes:

    1. No profanity directed at other users.
    2. No commenting after thread closure.
    3. If a thread is closed or Slow Mode is activated, include an explanation (e.g., state the rule that was violated).
    4. If insults are directed at Trusted Hackrs, flag the posts for @admins to review, rather than engaging.
    5. Do not lock necromanced threads if the topic is not time-sensitive (e.g., a Leasing 101-type discussion).
    6. Do not use your mod powers to “win” an argument or stifle views you disagree with, or otherwise act rudely.
  • This is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion. The intent of moderation is to keep topics on track and the trolls at bay. Trolling and deliberate misinformation is not allowed.

  • Users, including Dealers and Brokers, found to have duplicate non-commercial accounts will have those accounts suspended.

  • Effective 1/1/2024, no politics please.