Good or bad? Volve XC40 Momentum

Speaking to “New Car Manager” now. Latest offer is $389 (inc tax) with $2k down.

This is the deal in the calculator, using info from Edmunds (52% RV, .0007 MF, $1500 lease cash). I subtracted $900 from the RV because of the miles (it’s a demo). So that takes us down to about a 50% RV. Calc is giving me pretty much what they are offering.

Should they be giving me more than 16.9% off of MSRP for the demo?

17% off pre-incentive on a demo xc40 is a pretty solid deal.

Why does your calculator have the acquisition fee zeroed out?

Take a look here: Image 2020-07-08 at 5.54.13 PM

That’s the offer but they lowered the down to $2k with $389. All I see is a $799 fee and a gov fee. Wasn’t sure where to put it but does it matter as long as the total amount is in the calc?

I guarantee you you’re stilling getting charged the acquisition fee.

As an example, that breakdown also doesn’t show any mf information… Doesn’t mean you’re not paying it in those numbers

@kendo I find Volvo deals a little tricky. One step you need to nail is to properly calculate your pre-incentive discount. Volvo gives money straight to its dealers to lower your selling price. Dealers usually net it into your selling price offer. Can you clarify - where do you think the dealer is reflecting the $1,500 dealer cash. In your calculator you are showing a Pre-Incentive SP of $33,074. Please make sure its accurate. If not, here is my hunch in how the dealer is treating the dealer cash.

$39,815 MSRP
$ 5,241 Dealer Discount, 13.2% Pre-Incentive Discount
$ 1,500 Volvo Lease Bonus Cash
$33,074 Selling Price from Dealer

If my assumption is accurate, 13.2% pre-incentive on a demo is outside a discount range most people will settle on (under normal market conditions, unlike today).

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It would be helpful to determine where they’re hitting you with the loaner mileage penalty too. Some dealers just include it in the sales price, so the pre-incentive discount is better than it would appear to be.

You have a few problems with your calculator. I suggest you review the calculator tutorial, there is a lot of good stuff in there. Here are a few quick observations:

  1. It looks like you have Dealer Lease cash in taxed incentives - it should be untaxed.
  2. Your Pre-Incentive Selling Price (called Selling Price in the calculator) maybe overstated. You should not have the Dealer Cash in the calculator SP.
  3. Your deal sheet shows a cap reduction. That needs to be in your calculator.
  4. You dealer is capitalizing govt and doc fees. Make sure you read how to handle this.

These two are handled by simply making sure the DAS matches

I’m sure I am. Not contesting that. Are you suggesting that I ask them what the acquisition fee is? If so, is the purpose of this to see if they are marking it up? How do I know what it should be?

Should be $995

The main purpose is to get all the numbers in the right spot so when you run the calculator, it outputs the right numbers. When you have that sorted out, you can accurately see what improvements to the deal do.