Good lease for 2024 KIA Carnival EX?

Lease Monthly: $720
Money down: $0
MSRP: $40,385
Documentation Fee: $85
Government Fee: $585.50
Acquisition Fee: $650
Capitalized Cost: $42,425.12 (includes first month lease payment)
Residual Value: $25,442.55 (63%)

I have been searching for a KIA Carnival EX lease and pretty much every dealership has some sort of Adonis/markup of $4,000+ that they will not move on. This is the closest I have been able to get to MSRP. Still not the ideal payment, but unless I am missing something I feel this as close to ideal as I will get in this market.

I negotiated an SX prestige 8 seat for no markup in SoCal for a friend of mine, but it was very tough sledding — could only find one dealer willing to do it. PM if you want salesperson’s info.

You want to finance this car — 700/mo lease on a 40k MSRP is lighting money on fire.


Finance it.


One does not lease a carnival. Just buy it.


That’s awful, wouldn’t buying a Sienna be a better move?

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With finance rates at ~6% wouldn’t financing be more expensive?

But then you’d have to drive a sienna

True but longevity, resale and reputation go a long way.

I did get an update on the lease with better MF. This is obviously better, but is it best? I’m thinking about finance, but don’t really want to own.

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Become a super supporter here or go to the Edmunds forum to figure out what buy rate MF is. Looks like .00230 on SX but double check.

Why don’t you want to own? Leasing this car is not the way to go if you care about total cost of ownership, which it sounds like you do, so help us figure it out.

Yeah I went on edmunds and in the LA and other socal zip codes I see .00248 MF.

I’m a dad now, and soon to be a dad of 2 so I need the minivan functionality. However I also want an EV. Basically no minivan EV will exist for another year or so. That’s too late for me.

I also don’t want to deal with maintenance. I had never heard of “KIA boys” until recently, but I also don’t want to own a KIA for that reason as well.

So you’d rather pay the same but not own it ?

My carnival is yet to need anything beyond an oil change and has a nice long warranty for things that pop up.

The whole kia theft stuff doesnt apply to the carnival ignition system. It’s only an issue on vehicles without push to start.

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Seems like a lot for a one of these. How much more would a Sienna or Odyssey lease for? Or how about buying a certified used one (Sienna/Odyssey)?

Correct. At least until EV

Definitely just as much if not more for a Sienna. Pretty much all minivans have 0 supply and high demand. Odyssey probably more on par, but I think Toyota is worse price wise than KIA right now

None of the minivans make good lease candidates.

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