Good Deal? 2023 C300 Demo

Hi all,

First time poster. My lease is ending in a few months for a 2020 A250 Hatchback and looking at options for a new lease.

Current A250 Buyout Price: $27k CAD
Market Price for A250: Approx $35k CAD
Possibly 7-8k positive equity under my current lease

Looked at a 2023 Demo C300 with 1.5k miles
MSRP w/ discount: Around 59k CAD
48 months/ 18000 km/year at 2.9% loyalty rate for $850 CAD/ month with taxes
0$ down payment

Is this a good deal? The dealer is giving me quite a substantial discount on MSRP given my positive equity lease trade in and the fact that it is a lightly driven demo.
