GM Conquest Verification Documentation?

Seems ballpark but there’s so little to compare to.

It must be covered by a rebate or trade equity then.

Generally you’re going to see on lease contracts two tables

Left: itemization of DAS amounts (acq, doc, etc)
Right: how they will be paid (rebate AKA incentive, out of pocket or net trade equity).

Incentives need to be taxed, which makes the calculation even more far off, which means that your inputs are wrong.

Once I get the deal sheet I’ll revise the calculator.

The conquest 2k rebate applies because they have an rx350. If they turn it in before they get the Cadillac, do they lose that rebate?

No one actually wants to physically see the car to verify conquest. Some paperwork such as registration or insurance card should suffice.

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So I got it worked out with another dealer and because they turned in their lexus on the 27th (contract expired feb 28) the dealer is saying they can’t apply conquest. I asked if they could back date the contract and they can’t.

Any ideas?

Generally there’s a window of time there where the registration would still be good. If they have proof of registration that might be enough to make it work.

The dealer is saying cadillac requires two forms of paperwork, the registration and lease contract.

He said the switchover to a new month causes the issue.

I haven’t run into that issue before, usually my registration and/or insurance was enough to qualify for it.

Any GM dealers or Brokers have any advice?

Big thanks to @chevysalesgirl, she helped me educate the dealer on how the incentive is applied. Worked three times as hard for this as our Infiniti and Volvo. My aunt and uncle are really happy. 607, 0 down, 36/10. CALCULATOR | LEASEHACKR


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