GLE450 2021 vs 2022

I am planning to buy GLE (on cash).
Option 1: 2021 GLE450 MSRP 80,710. Now, CPO with 20K miles. Selling for 59,000.
Option 2: 2022 GLE450 MSRP 76210. This is not CPO. 21000 miles. selling for $61000

Any idea of these are good buy out deals

No idea if either of those would be considered a “good deal”, not familiar with the used GLE market.

But the first thing I would do is compare warranty dates. For car #1 how long is the CPO warranty good for? And for car #2, when was it originally punched and how much longer do you have under warranty?

Outside of that, car #1 has almost a $5k higher sticker so not sure if it includes any colors or options that would sway you one way or another.

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Car 1 CPO warranty until 12/25 (2 years from now). Car 2 still 2022 model so under warranty (I believe that is around 48mo/50m miles.
One dealership is autonation owned, fixed prices. I haven’t heard best things about autonation but would assume it would be reliable if it’s MB dealership. They both around ~18-20% off originally MSRP.