GLE 2020/2021 potential discount off MSRP?

I’ve been talking with a few dealerships and they’re all telling me that it’s a hot car and they wont discount off MSRP, wanted to see some feedback from members on here, is it possible to get a discount on these when leasing a custom build or you will have to pay to play?

Supply and demand at the moment. Too few of them out there for a significant discount if any.

Here’s a really wild idea. Hear me out, mkay?

Search the forum.

I believe it depends on your area. Here in FL, there’s a lot of dealerships around that a 10% discount is doable. Whereas in the midwest or some other area that has only a handful of dealerships won’t provide much of a discount, if any. Also, inventory in my area has been picking up.

I have a custom build GLE on the way, from what i’ve been seeing in the mbworld forums and from talking to my sales guy, 8-10% should be doable for Florida. Also not sure if its possible but since the Rona is still a thing you may be able to buy/lease the car from a dealership that’s far away and have the car shipped to you.


Exactly what I was looking for, good man. Will definitely take a look at Florida, thanks.

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