Genesis Gv70 Lease check

Hi gang -

Any thoughts on this GV70 deal? Sorry the pic is horizontal.

3 years 12k year
MF: .00107

No absolutely not. Do you know what the MF you’re getting? And the total cost you’re paying over lease term? This sheet has none of the detailed information this community needs to evaluate deals.

Also get rid of those tints and protection packages.

You’re getting fleeced.

Yikes. $1200/month to lease this car at MSRP? Not a good deal at all.

Mf was .0107

If you want a gv70, purchase it. This is not a vehicle to lease.

Are you sure that’s right? That’s 25.68% APR.


Sorry, missed an important 0

What makes a vehicle lease worthy vs finance worthy?

Essentially, a good lease candidate is one with a low mf, a high rv, and a strong combination of incentives and discounts. The combination of those results in a total cost of ownership for leasing that either beats the total cost of ownership to finance or the extra cost is a reasonable price for the risk reduction that leasing offers.

Genesis leases very rarely come anywhere near being a strong enough value for leasing to make sense.


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