Found some interesting (educational) videos


I’d like to share some Youtube videos

#Getting the INVOICE PRICE on a new car… what you should know


#How to Negotiate ANY new BMW. Anywhere. Anytime!


I hope it will help someone !


Ari is a great guy. I cannot say enough good things about him!


I think he is like the only popular broker on YouTube. A couple of years back I was looking for videos or broker information on YouTube but could not find anything good until I found his channel.

His marketing is tremendous and I can also speak about him on a personal level. He is a really good guy and he has created a fantastic business model. I have a ton of respect for him.

His family also owns a kickass catering business in the Boston burbs!

You meet him recently? I asked you about him some time ago lol.

Yep! Not too long ago.

And we’re connected through a number of other people who speak very highly of him.

His deals aren’t LH level though.

Unicorns are best fought for by the buyer honestly and most are just a circumstance of being at the right place at the right time and being on the right car.

If all I posted were unicorns I’d be charging a lot more per unit. :sweat_smile:

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Haha i know Ari. I though you were him at first :joy:


Boston Automotive Consulting. I guess I see it lol.

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I’m not half as cool as he is