Forum Site Restored

We just restored the site to its latest state on January 7, 2023, when the outage occurred. Thank you all for your patience as we worked through the technical issues.

If you have created a new account/thread between January 8 and January 9, you would have to recreate them again. We will work on rebadging the Super Supporters for those who signed up during this period.

Since we had to reinstall the forum on a new server, we took the opportunity to upgrade our server. It should be slightly faster (though it still largely depends on your connection speed).

Sorry for the inconvenience. We truly appreciate your support and understanding. Special thanks to those who reached out to offer technical help!

All the best in the new year!

The Leasehackr Team


Thanks for the hard work.


Did all canned replies disappear?

The software replaced the canned replies feature with a new feature. I will look into it and get back to you soon. Thanks!

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