Ford Red Carpet Lease Factors

I was looking to lease a Ford. Got a quote today for a Fusion SE. In this part of the worksheet they shared with me:

it mentions a program called “RCL Factors” but it doesn’t list the benefit–it just says “See Chart”. Does anyone know what these benefits are and how do you get them? Or better yet does someone have the chart and is willing to share it?

Nevermind. The “RCL Factors” are the Subvened Rates chart.

Can someone tell me how to negotiate a better lease then what I’m being offered here:

Hello Dave,
The vehicle you inqiuired about is in stock and available. We ran another Fusion with the Tech package that has a higher MSRP discount and actually has a better lease payment. I have attached both for you to view with invoices and current incentives from Ford. Take a look and let me know what your thoughts are on either one.

Internet Sales Manager


This is the deal I got. Probably not great, but it’s something to start with.

$3000 down and your payment is still $232? That deal sucks! Don’t sign! Don’t sign!

I think that the $3000 is rebates and not cash down. When we got our Equinox, that is how the rebates were listed.

I already got it… but the $3000 was in rebates so I did not put any money down, just $232 for 36 months for 15k miles/yr.

Oh that’s not bad. What was the MSRP?

How did you avoid paying sales taxes? In the picture it says “N/A” in that section. Did you pay them up front?

The MSRP was $25,140. There were no taxes because the lease company had credits (or so I was told by the dealer)