Ford 0% Financing Offers - What Tier/Score Needed?

Anyone know how the Ford Tier structure is? My wife is currently in a Ford (financed through credit union and no longer FMC) and I’m in a BMW (financed through the same credit union). I saw the 2023 Mustang has a 0% Financing Offer on them right now but wasn’t sure with a 685 FICO 8 if I would even qualify. I’m guessing not but does anyone here know the structure for their Tiers?

Can’t speak to their underwriting guidelines, but a 685 FICO 8 is about average for any random consumer.

They likely use an an auto-enhanced score, though, and that can be wildly different (for one thing, the scale on the 8 tops out at 850, while the modern auto scores go to 900).