Florida March - 2018 GLC300 RWD Demo $360+tax with Low Drive offs and MSD! One unit only

I have a deal on a demo 2018 GLC-300 SUV’s with a $45k MSRP. The vehicle has P-1 package which is your keyless go, XM radio, Blind Spot Assits and 115V power outlet. Additionally the model has Smartphone integration, Panoramic roof and heated front seats.

Deal structure with out without MSD’s. Drive offs are $1150
With MSD $4500, monthly payment is $360+tax for 7.5k miles and $373+tax for 10k miles
Without MSD, monthly payment is $404+tax for 7.5k miles and $416+tax for 10k miles.

There is a brokerage fees of $400 for this deal.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2018 GLC 300 RWD
MSRP: $ 45,XXX
Monthly Payment: $ $360+tax
Drive-Off Amount: $ $1150 Drive offs + $4500 MSD
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 7.5K
MF: 0.00087
Residual: 0.55
Available Incentives: None Available
Region: FL and bordering states
Leasehackr Score: 9.9 years
Saved Numbers on Leasehackr Calculator: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Mercedes-Benz&msrp=45000&sales_price=36550&months=36&mf=.00087&dp=0&doc_fee=250&acq_fee=795&taxed_inc=0&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=55&reg_fee=442&sales_tax=7&memo=&monthlyTax_radio=true&miles=10000&msd=10


Awesome deal. Thanks for posting!

Someone get this thing!


Where in FL?

Outside from FL but delivered to your doorstep which adds $10 to monthly.

Thanks man !

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Wow I want that deal! Sending you a PM right now

Spotlight ain’t in SoCal for deals at this particular moment. You guys on the east coast are effing smashing it, man.

Hope it gets even better for everyone.


Interested. Sending you PM…

And this is how you post a deal :clap:


Agree. Mani is the best

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Mani is pretty kool🤙🏻

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LOl. Thanks for the love guys. Really appreciate it.


3 done and 2 more to go !!!

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Do you still have the deal available… I live in California will you do shipping… let me know, what is the color of vehicles interior and exterior

same in CA here.

Shipping would offset the savings. Have you tried reaching out to CA brokers ?

Any deal on 4Matics?

Higher MSRP ones available. They are atleast 7 to 8k higher which makes payments about a $100 more.

One last unit left

Hi Mani, can you please PM or share the details about the last one?

Would like to know if you ship to Midwest!
