First-time leasee with negative equity. How did I fare?

You would have been so much better off rolling that negative into a vehicle with substantial lease rebates.

How did you owe $19k on a 4 year old vehicle that one could buy brand new for $19k 4 years ago?

I guess it could have been worse, but had you posted before signing we could have pointed you in a better direction.

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You probably figured out by now, but you got absolutely hosed. Next time, don’t sign without posting. Actually, don’t get a new car period. We see these posts every day about someone that’s crazy upside down on a loan getting into an even worse situation. Then next thing you know, you’re paying 700 a month on a Maxima.


To be fair, we need people to get hosed from time to time in order to get insane deals. :grinning:

OP - least you picked a manufacturer with a decent MF to finance your negative equity but paying sales tax again really hurts.

It is what it is now and only word of wisdom is to finish out this lease and do NOT look to roll over negative equity again or do something else silly.

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