Finding GM payoff

Is there an easier way of finding my payoff than sitting on hold for an hour? It says I should be able to do it in the app but I don’t see it anywhere.

You need to go to the chat portion of the app and ask for a support rep to provide it.

Your keeping that damn car through the lease duration after all you have put the forum through helping you get one hahaha


I had no luck getting payoff from the app. They wouldn’t tell me.

Call your local Chevy dealer and ask them. If they won’t say you want to trade it in but need the payoff.

Same here, for some reason they just didn’t like us. I tried two or three times, same result each time.

That’s the easiest and fastest. See if they will give you a print out of the so-called dealersource sheet.

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Lol I’m in two minds. I wanna jump on the wrangler bandwagon if still possible. Maybe keep the camaro for a couple more months if the program doesn’t change too much for the wranglers

Text 53721 for the payoff

Agree w @JD81

You put us all through hell

I guess I can do that. I try to avoid talking to them over the phone as much as possible

Nope. They won’t provide it through chat. Have to call. Stay on hold for an hour and then they transfer you to the right department because they don’t have the option to choose. Just went through this shit selling our pos equinox.

Again I’m sorry about that. I have OCD pretty bad so certain things trigger it. It’s something I’ve dealt with for a long time and sometimes it’s annoying

Anyone looking for their payoff can text 53721


Wish I knew that 2 weeks ago!

Is that the payoff including taxes etc?

GM will include taxes FYI .

Nice I know vroom have been shitty with people so I’ll see what my local chevy dealer will buy it for. Payoff with GM was 38000 vroom offered 37200 a couple weeks back.

Weird just got a text back from them saying it doesn’t include taxes

I had a Chevy dealer (who’s on here) give me my payoff and I also ran it thru GM. GM’s payoff was $3k more so including taxes for sure

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Run your own lease amortization schedule and you will be close enough to make an informed decision, then go through the trouble of getting the actual payoff. This is probably easier for me since my deals in Virginia already have all the tax already added to the original cost already, ie no additional taxes to pay.

A fairly good GM ballpark payoff is the contract residual plus all of the remaining payments