Finally, My BMW Frozen Black 740i Lease Deal (25% Off Before Incentives)

Roseville dealers don’t typically budge on leases. Impressive. I’ll give ya a wave if I see you out. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Let know if you ever want to swap out of it !!!

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That car is absolutely stunning! Definitely my dream car, enjoy :slight_smile:

whaaa? is that true? can anyone confirm?

Per multiple BMW sources on this site, MSDs have been back for all since January.

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nice, thanks… just restarted my search recently. haven’t really looked since oct/nov

Nice deal!

I can only wish for a similar deal on my next search 21-24mos from now.

Congratulations! Great price and awesome looking car!

wow that car looks sic. and $645 a month? a bit high on the DAS, but still awesome. what was the leasehackr score?

I’d be interested in this deal if it can be replicated; northern CA

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