Feedback on 2019 S4 Quote


You clearly prefer a car with the personality of a Styrofoam cup. Not everyone scrubs the bottom of the barrel for the most brand for the least money. Maybe OP wants massaging seats, performance exhaust, and a 4.0s 0-60 with launch control? Clearly you’d enjoy a FWD A4 because of the brand name and lower monthly payment. Different strokes for different folks.


:zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face:… lol

$50 ain’t gonna kill you, if it’s what you want you better grab it before things get worse, or you could barter with sm/gsm to meet you in the middle and pay $20-$30 a month extra.

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It’s $1,440 over the course of the lease…

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You nailed it on the head!

best thing to do would be to negotiate then, best of luck!

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A 1.2 decrease on an already sub-6 second 0-60 A4 is a huge difference!

This difference is the reason why people will shell out that $11,000 premium.

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$700 a month for an A4 look-alike isn’t exactly a unicorn. Shame they discontinued the manual transmission.

Unless I missed it, there has been no unicorn talk.

There’s been no talk of a manual trans, unless I missed that, too.

Perhaps you should un-follow this thread, as your contributions have been rather lackluster, friend.



A4 official is 5.6. Audi tends to be conservative with numbers. I’ve done 0-60 in 5.3 sec with launch control. Best I’ve seen is 5.2 sec in reviews.

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I got 4.4 in my S3 with launch control. Audi states 4.6 seconds.

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welcome to the party, all germans are conservative. Especially porsche aka part of vw, guess who is also part of vw, audi. Porsche been doing it for decades, amg/M caught on in the last decade or so as well.

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Is it ever a good ideal to lease a certified S4 with sub 1500miles? Hard to find RV and MF to work off of.


I’ve never seen a captive lease out used cars with reasonable MF and RV.