Oooooo another one.
I saw on here that everyone gets 20% off XXX brand demos. But no dealers in my area will go more than 10%. What am I doing wrong?
A common misconception from new members is that anyone can get some of the amazing deals we see posted. That is simply not true. While it is true that anyone can get the deals listed in the Marketplace forum, it can be extremely difficult or impossible to get some of the deals listed in the Shared Deals forum. Lease hacking can be very time consuming, tedious, and frustrating. Almost none of the ‘unicorn’ deals that we have seen have come from a person emailing a single dealer and receiving their initial quote.
Solution: Choose the vehicle that you want to ‘hack’ and research/understand all of the lease payment variables. Then go hunting for the vehicle. Be polite but firm with the numbers that you want based on your research. Cast a very wide net by emailing/calling every dealer within comfortable driving distance. Some members have even gone across the country to get their lease deals and had the vehicle shipped. Some have found the deal in their backyard. But almost all of them have put a substantial amount of time and effort into finding their deal, and failed far more often than they succeeded.
And this thread for how to negotiate: Wording Emails for the Deal?