EV residuals: Anyone's prospectoscope working?

Yes, it does (even though you avoided saying how long they were kept as was asked).

Was wondering why your advice in almost every post is basically to never lease, that selling a car before the wheels fall off will always make the transaction one that is upside down, and why you apparently feel almost every transaction that anyone makes and posts about on LHer is akin to the Great Recession/Depression when it comes to finances.

Either you haven’t been here long enough or are cherry-picking. I have always been and have always recommended that these decisions be non-dogmatic, i.e. to lease when it makes sense to and vice versa.

In 2018, most of the EVs other than tesla were low range lol. A 18 Tesla M3LR had the following specs: 0-60 in 5.3, $50k and 310 miles of range. A 23 M3LR goes 4.2, $47k and 333 miles of range. Sure, it hasn’t really changed in 5 years other than the pricing but we are having historic inflation yet the price is lowered. If you figure inflation it’s a 20% discount lol (18 M3LR costs $60.8k in 2023 dollars). That’s pretty significant imo.

And it doesn’t necessary have to be a 2018 Tesla vs a 2023 Tesla. I was talking about the industry as a whole. In 2018 BMW had the i3. Now they have the IX, i4, and the i5. The i3 was 45k and had 114 miles. Now the i4 is 52k and 276 miles of range. Double the range and cheaper (after adjusting for inflation)

Going back to the E class. A 23 E class starts at 58k, a 2028 starts at 53k.

I’ve been around more than long enough to see that 90% or more is a pattern that would make for a very large bag of cherries.

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I think you’re missing the forrest through the trees here. As an owner of a 2018 Model 3 LR I agree the new one is an incremental improvement, but the Model 3 itself was a massive outlier when introduced making the comparison less impressive. Chose something from 2017 and you’d get a very different answer.

Stepping back on average EVs are improving at a tremendous rate compared to ICE cars. Take average range, for example (2009 is the Tesla Roadster, such an outlier because it was essentially the only EV):

Looking at the median, average range has increased 3.5x over the last nine years. Charge time has dropped radically. Range per dollar is way up, etc. Taken together these have contributed to EVs having painful depreciation. That’s not cherry picking, that’s on average.


I think that agrees with my point. The only ones showing massive improvement are the ones that had really low range, they were behind the curve.

The curve since 2022 (if not earlier) has been at high 200s / low 300s mile range in the $45-50k price range. I am not seeing massive improvement from there.

I have no idea what’s supposed to mean. If programs are bad, that’s on the captives/banks not on me. Don’t shoot the messenger.

If you’ve seen a quote or deal check that I called a bad lease and you thought was great, feel free to post some examples

Leasing generally is a suckers play except in a minority of cases . Most people should finance most vehicles.

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What? Blasphemy! What site is this? :slight_smile:


Should be called saleshackr since I only had 1 deal that was a lease lol.

You know exactly what it means. My earlier statement about you making noise in almost every post about never leasing, driving until the wheels fall off and your opinion that every person is somehow making a mistake on almost every deal posted speaks for itself.

If you are an idiot, struggle with basic math or can’t figure how it makes sense tax-wise for your business to lease - then I agree.

Plenty of good deals to be had leasing vs. financing.



10 char. Vast majority of people leasing cars aren’t doing it for biz tax deductions


This is the way. Death before Minivan

Guess you don’t understand the basic concept of not shooting the messenger.

What would speak for itself is some examples of all this bad advice I’ve been giving out.

I get what you said, but the list on when you might lease did not have a conjunctive of “and” but instead used “or.”

Plain grammar - the list of three is not inclusive with an “and”, i.e. you don’t need to be smart, understand basic math and own your own business to lease. Using “or” it means what it says: leasing may make sense if you are not an idiot, understand basic math OR own your own business.

Any of those three will work, take your pick.

Shooting the messenger and what you post are most often mutually exclusive.

That’s the best you got?

I feel bad for you, as you are a very sad person.

Vroom def overpayed for my 2020 High Altitude GC. Payoff after taxes with US Bank was 30,900. They paid 34,400. Still on their website for 37k. After that equity check my GC 4xe 30th anniversary was pretty much 289 a month with first month das.

It’s been 3 months since this post but just saw a Lucky Lopez video where he points out for S Plaids it’s 67k and heading down now. …