EQE Deal good or bad?

Do you really want electric? Gas isnt that expensive in FL. May be better served by a X5 msport or the like.

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How about a pair of Volvo C40s? :eyes:

BTW, did You check Marketplace?
This is EQE 350 with an effective monthly around $800/m

Fair enough, wishing you all the best!


Out of curiosity what attracted you to the 500 over the 350? If it’s power related you can always give in and buy the acceleration increase, while you still won’t get that same exact same 0-60 oomph factor(which shouldn’t even be that important imo given its luxury factor over sportiness) you can still cut the time down to lower 5’s, have some more fun than your standard output numbers after the upgrade and at least drive around knowing your effective monthly still would be cheaper with the upgrade than what you currently are being presented with on these EQE500s.

Thinking a payment should be a certain number needs to be based on a LH calculator link. Post it.


Where did you get your residual and base MF? Go to Edmunds lease forums for that info. Playing around with selling price (a reasonable number based on your market research) will then show you where payment will be. Then tell the dealer you will buy today for X payment with X amount of $ due at signing.

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