Dog-hackr -- dogs in leased cars

She’s definitely a face-maker, which makes me just want to take more pictures!

Rosie got so big, as expected, but so quickly!

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My mother visited for a week, so yes she filled in.

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Rosie went to doggy daycare today (pool party!) and had a spa day after. Another round of deshedding to try and brush some puppy floof out :baby_symbol::dog::bathtub::scissors:


Puppyyyyy. Still a puppy, yet much larger that Scarlett’s 31 lbs! We’re going to do the Walk for Animals tomorrow (I raised $600, wooo.), so she’ll be in the car in 7-8 hours!

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Does it still count if she’s not in a car when it’s a ridiculously cute picture?


Duke in our CX-5 :blush:


We’ll allow it BUT behind those sunglasses she is plotting your assassination for that indignity.

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Hahah, nah, she doesn’t really give me those looks. It’s usually one more like “More pictures? JUST STOP!”

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Rosie is at doggy daycare again today, she says everyone stop looking at your 401ks and get a Volvo when this lease is up.


I’m trying so hard to get my dad into a Volvo, or really anything other than another “fancy” Kia. He likes the Seltos (yuck), and he’s hung up on the $400 dispo fee…and he argued over not paying that vs. what I said about paying less on another lease…so ridiculous.

Anyway, around the time that was going on, Scarlett decided to wedge herself next to my mom’s work bag on the way to dropping her at work:

On the way to the Walk for Animals last week – “Who’s that shadowy dog behind me?”


We joke that when I come down here, it’s to “torture” the dog because I pay her way too much attention, and love to rub and pet her, since I don’t get to see her the every day.

The other day, I gave her a “new earstyle,” and though she got one out, the look on her face says it all!

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About that: your CSI scores are in the toilet, and we have complaints from a customer named Scarlett who claims you keep harassing her to come back and resign her contract, just to undignify her with human clothes and ear rubber bands. She’s even called the GM.


Excuse me, but my dog NEVER wears clothes! We call her harness and leash her “clothes” and tell her to put them on, but that’s about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Accessories count as clothes. Hats. Glasses. Novelty or otherwise. Care to amend your statement?

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One of my dogs loves wearing shirts/sweaters in the winter

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A rubber band counts as an accessory? Well then her collar must be too! :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s winter in Fort Lauderdale? A colder summer.

I’m in the desert of southern California currently. We actually got several inches of snow this year.

Moving to Melbourne, Fl in August

Meanwhile, in NY we got bupkiss!

It was weird seeing it stick… Twice! Of course, both times I was out of town. Ugh