Do Lease brokers not work with Mazda?

Ive contacted Autopia, BensBestPrice, qobrien carq for possible deals but never got a response. They were all from this forum so maybe I didnt do something right.

In which area are you located

Ill be buying in NY

Please keep your posts combined.

You’ll get quicker resolution.

AutoLeaseNinjas work with Mazda in your regiĂłn check with them

What did you contact them about? They dont broker loans. If you contacted them about loans you might not get a response.

Based on your other thread, they are probably ignoring you because you have unrealistic expectations.


I made a mistake, i meant to say lease broker.

I didnt give any “unrealistic expectations”, i just asked what the best deal i can get on the cx-30 with 0 down.

Also i separated the threads because this was a different topic.

Thanks Eldamian, ill try them out.

Month end for me was incredibly hectic, hence the lack of reply.

I’d encourage you to work with those local folks mentioned above as they’re going to offer the best deal(s).


Not sure if these brokers are doing this part time or what but they are all terrible at getting back to you. The one that actually did got me a worse offer then what I currently had

Would it surprise you to learn that the good ones are busy? Some working 20+ hour days the last week of the month to lock-in deals for paying customers (meaning retainers already paid and appointments made/kept) on the current programs?

I am not a broker, but as someone who making a living working for my clients, I could not handle that many random leads popping up demanding my time this minute to desk a deal: I need a bit more order/structure to work effectively. In a dealership they at least put you in line to get into the box.


I have seen many of them comment to posts after our interection so they obviously have the time. If they choose not to charge a retainer then thats on them but I followed all there instructions and still did not hear back and I have others in the same boat. I was an easy customer said I was looking for white or black. Did not care about trim and was tier 1 credit. It could not of been any easier with me

Mazda discounts are pretty straight forward and they tend not to be generous with manufacture to dealership discounts (if there are any). For example, last week my son’s room mate wanted to purchase a white Mazda 3 hatchback preferred package. I knew the discounts where $1,400 (holiday savings) and and additional $500 and loyalty. She did not qualify for the loyalty discount. I sent request quote to 10 SOCAL dealerships and they all came in with standard discounts give or take five bucks. Technically, buyers only get $500 off when they opted for the 0% for 60 months but they did honor the discounts. Those discounts where off MSRP and not invoice so the car purchase price was around $27K. Even after a week they did not budge.

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Depends on the car & market. I received below invoice quotes & promotional finance rate last year on a cx5

Agree on a few models that they have to push. Last year I got a lease for a friend on a C GT and they bent over backwards to make the deal. But lately they barely budge in SOCAL. Today I did get another quote $500 less means one dealership is willing to lose profit.