Do all G Wagons go up in value?

Firstly, idk much about cars. Recently started researching since I’m in the market for a car

One, common thing I’ve heard across the board is everyone says G Wagon is a good piece because a. Tax deduction b. Goes up in value

Is b really true? Do all G Wagons eventually go up in value and you can sell for a profit or breakeven? Do people buy it as an investment if that’s the case?

Tell me the pros and cons of owning a G Wagon.

Thank you.

You should never buy a normal car as an investment but G Wagons tend to hold their value fairly well especially since Mercedes cannot meet demand for them.

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Solid investment. But not as good as a Crown Victoria. I’d look into one of those.


I sell it local to my area for MSRP


Local include Iowa?

It’s a really good way to commit tax fraud on a luxury jeep

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Haha, just Walmart HQ area

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I hope the G wagons go up in value. I got two GQS 450 wagons for a great discount and planning to hold on till I have 10k positive equity.

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Idk about “go up in value”, but G63s specifically seem to depreciate slower than many other vehicles. The catch is what you pay for it. If you can get one for MSRP and sell shortly after = profit. But good luck getting one for MSRP.

Long term with realistic miles driven, no. They depreciate like any other car.

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Even though it maintains its value well it still has a high cost of ownership.

On the 550 I estimated about 72k after 3 years if I bought with 10k markup and sold at 80% sticker.

If you’re going for profit, you need to sell well within the first year. No maintenance cost, added registration, minimal interest paid, etc. Idk of any regular car that’s going to be profitable after 3 years.

I wasn’t going after profit, just reducing costs and wanted to have it for a few years.

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Not a G Wagon that you get in accident in.


Also have had terrible luck with people running into us or an occasional accident.

There goes any real preserved value

I’m not certain about the current market but not that long ago there was a dealer that got themselves into a bit of a pickle stockpiling these when they tanked in value.


Not the G-Wagon we are talking about.

I don’t know if GQS will retain as much value
Similar to the G Wagons. It’s specifically the G63s that people want. They just settle for G550 because that’s what is available.


How does tax fraud comes into this? Must be a low threshold for tax or fraud

Where can you order GQS?

Claiming you’re using it for business purposes when you aren’t. Majority of these purchases are gray at best and likely fairly fraudulent in terms of how their owners claim them from a tax standpoint.

How do u know they are not using it for business purposes?

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