DMV registration question


Hi, I recently leased my Volvo xc90 from a broker. My last lease was xc60. The vehicle was from a NJ dealership. Im from NYC.
The date my broker delivered my new xc90 on the same day he picked up xc60 on 1/11. I also decided to keep my our plate from my xc60 to the new xc90. I also cancel the insurance on the xc60 on 1/10 , and issued a new insurance on the xc90.
The date I had the xc90 was with a temporary NJ plate with 30 days.
But up to today, I haven’t received my new registration from DMV , and my temporary plate only 4 days left. What should I do if I still don’t receive my new registration by the time?
I also received a letter from DMV regarding uninsured vehicle on my xc60 which I believe the insurance company informed to DMV.
Please advise if anyone knows what is going on? I don’t think I still can drive with an expired temporary plate from NJ?

Ny and nj seem to be slow on out of state deals. Happens to me a lot that they come 5-6 weeks so 1-2 weeks after expiration. It’s illegal technically but not sure they ticket for it. My dealer has offered to handle any tickets for my customers but don’t think they received any. Just message the broker or dealer they can give you an update. Prob wouldn’t park somewhere there’s metermaids or drive drunk (obviously). If actually pulled over have your lease paperwork/insurance and just tell the officer the truth, highly doubt they would spend the time to ticket a new car…

If you got this letter, it sounds like you may not have gotten your insurance setup correctly.

In this nightmare state, you MUST tell your insurance company that your new car is replacing the old one when you want to transfer a tag, they should issue a “replacement vehicle” insurance card.

If you just removed the old car and added the new one on it’s own, you have a little bit of a mess you need to untangle now.

If you did do it this way, it’s possible the situation will resolve itself once the tag work is done.

Does the new registration come from NY DMV or from my dealership from NJ? Also, do I need to do NY inspection?

Getting another temp is ez as 123 so I’d get that from issuing dealer right away so you don’t get tickets. It’s $65 in nyc.

Insurance lapse you need to contact your insurance company and make sure they have sent a “new business letter” which can only be done electronically to dmv dated same as the date you took delivery of your vehicle.

Cuz I had progressive on my old xc60 , and I canceled the insurance and change to geico on my new xc90. My broker told me today that The insurance card i sent them will say “REPLACEMENT VEHICLE” on it above the barcode, and that is adequate proof of plate transfer.
Just not sure if I have to do anything to solve this problem or I will solve itself?

NYS sends your reg to the dealership then the dealership mails out to you.

You should have gotten 10 day inspection temp to get your vehicle inspected at your local inspection station. It’s $10

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I’d call ins service bureau first to see what they see.

518-474-0700 start calling at 8:29am

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Ic.I called the dealership this morning, they said they sent out something about registration to me yesterday. I am just not sure if she means the actual registration or something else. Cuz I thought registration should come from DMV by mail.
Since you said that, now it makes sense to me. I am sill waiting for the email from the dealership.


And see if your car there with license plate # then what they sent you is original reg from dmv

This is I saw from logging in the DMV.

Plate # is correct, transferred from the old plate on the new vehicle.
The VIN number is correct as on the new vehicle.
But the registration expires:5/23/25 which should on my old vehicle. Yes it said too early to renewal here.
Last thing, the insurance is correct in geico on my new vehicle.
Can you advise if it looks correct to you?

all looks good. and it expires 5/23/25 probably because your old pate was expiring 5/23/2025

Good, hopefully I will get the registration from my dealership by mail asap. Thank you for your advice.