Difficulty buying out Chrysler Capital Lease? (Carvana Problem)

I was wondering if anyone has experience / insight with regards to allowing a dealership to buy out a Chrysler capital lease? I’m “selling” the Jeep 1 year in to the lease, but two brokers, upon finding out that this is a lease thru CCAP, backed out of the offer citing difficulties with a CCAP Lease. I’ve got the payoff letter, just trying to figure out whats the issue they have with chrysler capital?

Could be that FCA doesn’t recognize them as authorized dealers and will not extend to them the dealer payoff amount? I’m just speculating, I had no problem getting my FCA leases bought out by a broker…

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People don’t seem to be having issues selling CCAP leases to carvana, vroom etc. I’m selling mine to algo and they didn’t give me any grief. Might be what z0lt3c said, can’t see anyother reason really.


Thank you! I’ve got carvana + one other dealer at the same offer price. Whoever that figures it out first wins lol

Finally got the ball rolling. Turns out the Carvana employees were being extremely ignorant and tried to make registered owner call for a document that only dealers can call in for.