Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures (THE CORONAVIRUS LANDFILL THREAD)

If the interest is deferred those 90 days then it doesn’t really make a difference. I’d rather just see an added incentive off price.

I am tempted more for the 5lbs of cooked carne asada, 5lbs of roasted chicken, and the 30 eggs! :smiley:


10% discount added when buying from salesperson with coronavirus. Bam!


As long as they dealer plate for the test drive, deal.

:joy: :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Welp my state is shut down. They’re saying we will be fined if we lock in deals even remotely dated after today…crazy times.

On another note I watched “the road” last night. If you want to get scared and super freaked out I highly recommend it!

77 posts were split to a new topic: Dealer Collusion?

Instead of opening up a new Coronavirus thread every time someone farts, I’m deeming this the official Coronavirus Off Topic Landfill thread. Place your Coronavirus crap here.


This is the letter we received from the Chief of Staff, Dallas County Health and Human Services

These rules (below) are effective under the current Order, which went into effect March 24, 2020, at 9:00 PM.

  1. May offer mechanic services, but employees must follow social distancing guidelines.
    2. Online Vehicle Sales Only. No Walk-in sales.
  2. May schedule appointments with consumers who have shopped online to complete the transaction.
  3. Delivery can be done at the dealership or to the consumer at their residence, but only if employees are maintaining 6ft Social Distancing during the transaction.
    5. Showroom should not be open. We recommend signage be placed at the front door of the Showroom stating that shopping must be done online and may be completed with a scheduled appointment. We recommend that if there is a side door, it be designated for access by persons who have scheduled appointments.
    6. No test drives. Recommend Virtual test drives.

What do you guys think about this?

It is what it is. Not much you can do about it.


I wonder what a virtual test drive is.

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As a dealer, I wonder about that too.
I think the internet inquiry that the customer submits on, the salesperson actually has to go out and take a video of the vehicle all the way around and explain the features while driving while taking a video.

No test drives and don’t go to a dealership unless you’re buying a car? Sounds like every salesman’s wet dream :joy:


LOL. I mean it is what it is right now, I guess.

This is much less strict then what a lot of states are dealing with. Pennsylvania dealers association are currently in the process of lobbying the gov to allow them internet and appt only sales as well. We’ll see how that goes, I don’t expect much from my governor.

Oh, man! Your state is like… wow… to me right now.
Closed for like a month starting last week, right?

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There’s no definitive end date yet in Pennsylvania from my understanding. I know a lot of the sales guys don’t make much and they’re hurting right now. Internet sales being allowed would at least allow them to make something and maybe help train them on internet marketing in the interim

Wow, I know that my guys are struggling as well. We sold 7 new cars today with 1 finance manager. He was so busy today printing papers!

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I was just thinking, the people with 3-4 loans out on their Turo fleet. These poor guys must be getting crushed right now. I guess you can say the same about the people who bought a new car the past couple of years for their Uber/Lyft business.

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Millions of people are being crushed, we aren’t going to be listing everyone single industry.