Dealership wants me to sign a new and less favorable lease contract

Trying to find your original deal that you posted…:roll_eyes:


Same. Unless it was signed and shipped in the 14 hours since they joined…:face_with_monocle:

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hypothetically, the deal could have been denied by the bank for credit worthiness or something like that and they could be trying to rewrite the contract with a different bank that does a different RV/mf/etc

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I just don’t understand why parties don’t communicate details.

If they just discuss the details one would think that the transaction would become less of a back & forth. 🤷

By hiding details, the other party always feels that someone is trying to pull a fast one on them.

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1000% agree

Tell them to get bent, or that you’ll return the car but they can come get it

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There’s no need to get snarky with the dealer…unless they start being assholes.

Be polite and professional like @ethanrs mentions. If they start pushing back, be firm but professional.

Being a dick about it isn’t the way to handle it.


Isn’t that what one should always be? But I digress

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But I’m sure they verified everything on edmunds for this mystery car, :mage::crystal_ball: Could be time to close this post, the no details I already signed and something is wrong stuff gets old


Serious question. Why would someone make this up? Maybe I have too much faith in people, but it’s not like the OP disappeared (yet). Their last post was last night after dealers close for the day, maybe they are figuring it all out. Details or some photos would be nice though!!

The issue is you always get “part” of the information that most of the time favors the OP and as the say 2 sides of a story & the truth is somewhere in the middle part.

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This happens all the time, after they get roasted on here, they go back with their tail between their legs and resign the deal. Sloppy dealer for not verifying everything, especially on an out of state deal, and shame on the OP for doing an after the fact post. There’s another on a Tacoma that just popped up


If the RV error was actually $1700, then it would need to be a $85k MSRP for a 12k/15k error. Those are almost universally 2% different. i’m guessing there is more to the story.


Not according to some of the tough guy keyboard warriors here


Lol working in sales has taught one thing…be nice, you might just get what you want… Be a d-bag… No way… Lol


It’s 12/10K or 12/7.5K error. Payment went up on the same 12K mileage.

No response from the OP for 19 hours. Seems strange. Someone bored at home? I guess fiction can also be enjoyable.

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OP can PM the TH if there is anything to add

The OP had reached his daily cap on posts by newish users and would like to respond.

Sorry but I was not able to post anymore yesterday as I had reached my daily cap as a new user.
I also made a mistake in my previous posts. The lease is for 10,000 miles/year. I already edited the posts to correct this error.
Thanks to everyone for all the helpful information provided so far.

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