Dealership quota vs Dec 31 or Jan 4th

Do the dealerships have the same motivation (discounts etc.) to sell the vehicle on Jan 2nd/3rd/4th compared to Dec 31st? Or is it better to wait until Jan month end?
Incentives go on until Jan 4th, but the motivation to sell could be based on quotas, etc.? Thank you.

It seems like Jan 4 is year end for dealerships. I’ve had a couple people text me trying to negotiate still on deals that were supposed to be “one day only” on the 31st haha. It could just be that they want to move the car regardless, but doesn’t seem that way imo.

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Amazing informaton. @BoardWalkNJ hats off to you!

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Valuable info@ for dealers & consumers! Thanks!

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12/31 for many, is the dealership owner groups close, while 1/4 may be the manufacturers.


There is a difference between incentive programs and sales quotas/targets.

While most December incentive programs are good through Jan. 4, a dealer’s target could be based on the calendar year.

So it’s certainly possible that a dealer could be willing to go extra deep on a deal if signed by the 31st to meet a target even though the December programs run through the 4th.

That’s what I am trying to figure out – Is it still worth pursuing the dealers today/Monday or just stay put until month-end or qtr end.

That is a crystal ball question. No one knows whether January programs will be better or worse than December.

But if you need a car and have a solid deal in your crosshairs now, I would probably go ahead and pull the trigger vs. rolling the dice that the deal gets better in Jan.

No one knows whether a deal offered Monday will be better or worse than 1/31, 3/30 or even 12/31/2021.