Dealers and Brokers lease to a certain area

Not sure if I am allowed to ask dumb questions :slight_smile: Why do Dealers/Brokers say only restricted to Tri state or certain part of US - is it because they dont like dealing with paper work or they think deals outside of those areas wont make sense to the consumer?

If I am the idiot who wants to pay for transportation - why does it matter to them? Just curious.

Note: I live in Arkansas and I see awesome deals in FL or NYC but its restricted to those areas and that’s why my question. May be I need to move to a bigger city :slight_smile:

some dealers refuse to sell out of state
but imagine working a deal for a few days to someone out of state and for whatever reason he pulls out? much easier to deal local
california for example requires a smog/vin verification for an out of state purchase its a hassle.
there is alot more reasons not just these


I think it can be the dealer too. Some dealers just don’t want the added stress of working outside of the region they know well

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Or dealing with out of state DMVs, or had previous issues shipping cars.

Or their dealer agreements have restrictions on selling outside their market.

Or incentives are regional and they don’t want to deal with chargebacks.

Since we’re dealing with a hypothetical mystery brand, it could be any number of things, including “we don’t want to”.


Makes sense - thanks! I guess I didnt have insight as to what all they have to deal with- so they dont want that extra hassle when they can find someone in their region without all the fuss.

What’s the :crystal_ball: brand and car?

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nissan or mazda

Wify and my leases are up April and May - Looking at BMW i4/430 GC and Genesis GV70. I was browsing deals before I start contacting a broker on here (I suck at negotiating :)) but some deals on this forum said only certain area - thus my question.

Both should have pretty disgusting quotes


Try @Clutch for BMW. I think he has dealers who can do out of state regs.


Care to explain your response… they lease bad or …?

How about Texas? :grin:


They have not been leasing well. The i4 might not be awful.

I was about to tag you :joy:


That’s where I am leaning towards… Dallas is 6 hrs away from me - totally doable :slight_smile:

i drove a 740 back from Houston to Miami for a deal (after a long night out at E11 - which made me pull over more times than I should have needed to)… 6 hours is a nice easy ride to get used to a new car :smiley:

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Thank you everyone this has been really helpful - I will wait till March to reach out to the broker. You guys were really quick to respond- I truly appreciate it. [this reminded me of AMA on reddit] :slight_smile:

Depending when you’re trying to get the car, now may be better. We’re nearly into April allocations now for i4 35e. (Currently booking week 11’s)

Thank you for letting me know - Wify would have killed me coz I have been telling her - we have to wait till March-- Feb is too early!

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