Dealer tricks? One Pay NY

I did a one pay lease on Monday for a Mazda CX-90PHEV. At signing the dealer said that he was having trouble printing one of the contracts. And that he would ask me to e-sign the next day. I called back and emailed the sales manager, who said that he can not get it to print with the correct numbers, but that I need not worry - he will honor my deal. I emailed again, and he is off today. I am trying to call but can’t reach anyone.

In summary, I paid $12,499 for a one pay lease. And I signed several papers including a “lease agreement”. I am not sure what else the dealer needs me to sign. I am not sure if this is a shenanigan or what exactly is going on here.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Signed! 2024 Mazda CX-90 PHEV Prem Plus $12,499 one pay