Dealer Payoff vs Leasee Payoff

So, I’m trying to do my first transaction with Vroom and they are requesting a Dealer Payoff (Chrysler Capital).

Vroom claims they can’t contact them on my behalf and Chrysler claims it has to be the dealer who calls them (I was talking with them through the on-line chat).
I was told the amounts are different, but they couldn’t tell me how much or why…

Does anybody knows?
Different fees? taxes? will the Dealer be lower or higher?

I’m going to Call Chrysler Capital and check, but in the on-line chat they were as helpful as a stapler with no staples.


There is traditionally 2 payoffs like that. I had no issue with Vroom getting the correct payoff from chysler capital.

Yeah dealer pay off is usually RV + payments left which does not includes taxes etc

Ask carvana they will put you on a three way call or obtain it themselves

Private payoff should be RV + payments. Dealer payoff maybe market value of the car.

Private would include taxes though

When I sold my car through carvana the 10 dealer pay off was the same as RV but the buyout ( private Sale) was 2 k more than the RV (taxes included)

Just as a heads up… before I called anyone I got an e-mail from Vroom. Some how the figured it out and sent me electronic docs to sign.