Deal rating poll

Have a suggestion.

What if there is a optional pre-populated anonymous poll with every share deal post.

We can have 3 options, unicorn level, broker-par or overpaid. Something like that.

This way OP gets feedback in a concise manner and comments can elaborate


From a bunch of noobs and trolls, among others.


Is this a good idea?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
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We need more options and don’t make it anonymous. Stand by your opinion.


how about a spoon fed option deal for @li8625

@LeaseNYC my broker so im spoon fed too


People get roasted/shamed and subsequently sharing goes :arrow_heading_down:

Can we rename “overpaid” to Dave Ramsey would disapprove? Realistically though DR would disapprove of any leasing. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I think it’s subjective and frankly unnecessary just like the wackjob LH score that people sometimes try to wield like that’s supposed to influence our offerings beyond what the market will bear.

Some cars just lease shitty: Pay it or don’t.


Not really related, but it’d be cool to have a LLM integrated with LH to answer basic questions.

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Sure but don’t allow brokers or new users to vote and it’ll be fine with a few trolls here and there.

“some cars just lease shitty” then maybe it shouldnt be leased or promoted/supported/encouraged on a site called leasehackr

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Also, “likes” and “dislikes” posts in Share Deals (or in Trophy Garage) already tell you everything there is to know. Just look at Hershey’s likes lol

Why isn’t there a gabagool-par?

The Sopranos Hbo GIF

Reminds me, this is anther important poll

Thin cutlets or thick?

  • Thin Cutlets
  • Thick Cutlets
0 voters

This one’s public gotta see whose crazy

There are generally only two categories when people post deals, especially if it’s only a deal sheet:

  • Shit
  • Garbage

Maybe add a third category for the exceptions:

  • Other (please explain)

How about an auto response that requires them to post their target deal and then explain why they think it is a good or bad deal?

An additional auto response for that is not needed as we already have one.

You and @max_g take care of that without fail every time.

Tommy cutlets!!!

Speaking of cars and leasing, I know exactly which car he has on order and from where. 0:)

There is another response I see often on LH…

Veiled “Bad Deal” but “Enjoy the car!”.

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Auto delete “please share dealer” replies


I say we as a community come together and Eric51 @li8625 instead