Deal check - Volvo XC 90 recharge - 36 mos / 12k miles / $887 month / $1,400 DAS

Please let me know if I’m leaving anything on the table here…

Volvo XC90 Recharge Plug-In Hybrid T8 Plus Bright 7-Seater
MSRP - $78,270
Sales Tax 10.25%
MF .00380 and 62% residual

the most obvious money on the table is $799

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So he gave me 10% off MSRP plus $799, apparently it’s a required add-on for their location.

Not sure any dealer can have a required add on fee so id push back on that. Are you in Seattle area? If so the registration fees are probably low. Overall the discount they gave you seems good! Haven’t seen a ton on here and in general WA Volvo dealers don’t seem to discount much

Mind if I ask which one this is? I’m also in the market. Feel free to pm

Will send a PM

MF is atrocious, MSDs do not help much… Did you check it’s not marked up?

I tried to put this into a calculator. Not sure why my numbers are coming in lower than yours. I did put your “advanced payment” as a trade in allowance, but even before that I couldn’t get the numbers to align right. The MF is pretty high this month, but you are getting a good amount of rebates.

Is the Customer Cash another incentive, or is that money you are putting up? The Advance payment of $886.20 - is that something you already paid?

If you are patient, you could wait and see what the MF does next month, but the incentives might be lower.

I took another stab at the calculator. This is closer. It looks like they are decreasing the incentives by taking some of the money that you would normally put as a DAS and using it to reduce the incentives; thereby decreasing your Due on Delivery amount. So, your actual due on Delivery would otherwise be $3,155.89 ($2269.69 + $886.20) (which is high), but they are reducing that to $1325.25, and taking it away on the incentive line. Basically, they are having you pay less up front than would be normal (around $2k), and instead using that money to reduce the incentive amounts.

You are leaving about 5% on the table, 15% is the minimum for a unicorn deal.