Deal check Volvo C40 ultimate

Volvo C40 Ultimate
36 month 10k miles
MSRP 62715
Sales price 51280 ( including 7500 EV incentive that they are using as a price reduction)
500 affinity incentive
Monthly $657
DAS $710

Calculator link:

Decent deal, but you can do better, especially with the low money factor. Negotiate and see if you can get 10-11% before the $7500 EV discount. You should aim to get to mid $500’s monthly with 1st month DAS. Reach out to brokers to see if they can help get you a better price - see the marketplace forum.

This is what I was selling them for

The C40 is just such a poor value. Hardly anyone wants a $500+ sub compact regardless of how much they want to gaslight people with a ludicrously inflated sticker.

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