Deal Check: The new 2021 BMW M3

Not sure it will be a flop but if you can lease an M8 for around the same money the payment doesn’t help the M3 at all. It’s nearly half the sticker of an M8.

I’d buy the car like others have said if I really want to drive one and not throw away money. Or you wait another year or so if inventory becomes plentiful.

Not at all, M8s are way higher.

Back to the future :person_fencing: back I say :person_fencing:


Not by much check out @legendsauto

2020 M8 Coupe NEW
MSRP 137xxx
3,000+ 7MSD Due at Signing
1212+ Tax (1279+ Tax Without MSD)
With BMW Loyalty


Sorry fat finger should said 2000’s. Just googled and found out they were called " Laguna Seca Blue".

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How do you know you’ll even like this car?

This! also M2C is best purchased since they don’t lease well. Largest discount I have seen is 6% off MSRP. In the UK, these things lease very reasonably but for some reason here BMW makes this impossible.

I’ve seen one good one on SAL. That’s legitimately it.

If it isn’t 5% off MSRP it isn’t worth it. Cars like the Camaro ZL1 LE or GT 350 will run circles around it and costs around what the MSRP of the M2C is.

I agree!!! BMW of AA doesn’t play ball, they have all those rich college kids that pay sticker.

Had a friend there, she paid MSRP for a Lexus RX back in 2008. She said…I thought u can’t negotiate. I wanted to say, u thought it was Walmart? Drop in the bucket for her, South Korean and loaded


I got called racist on here once for making this exact point :laughing:

The amount of expats in SE MI who have no idea what they’re doing and just want a company car lease plus rich Asian college kids in AA = they don’t need to negotiate.

Toledo, Cleveland, Traverse City all good IMO.


We got called chauvinistic pigs for suggesting a minivan, LH is wonderful sometimes :slight_smile:


Different class of cars and that R&T article with the 1LE doesn’t count. Anyhow, I would pick M2C over both of those cars since I am not a muscle car fan despite their bang for buck and performance capabilities.

Probably true in most Asian countries. I also don’t understand why it is tough to get good deals in Pacific North West, a lot of people live there…

There’s not the density of dealerships that you might find in southern CA or the tri-state area, plus a lot of folks in the Seattle region work in the tech/related industry and dealerships don’t necessarily need to cut crazy deals in order to sell cars

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Didn’t know calling someone rich would be racist haha, it happened to be an Asian person, for gods sake they make movies about “crazy rich Asians” and proudly so…PC culture is stifling

Minivan thread was a hoot!! Hope you are well man.

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One wound think after living here for 10+ years someone in their mid 20s would know about not paying sticker for cars…all they need to know is watch TV before thanksgiving to see how car manufacturers advertise below MSRP.

This particular individual was a little clueless, and showed that many more times. Also being able to spend daddy’s money didn’t hurt

Last time I picked up my car from LA. Some 70 year old guy (looks like the owner) came and said “why are all these Asian guys coming from San Jose to buy up all our cars, corporate is starting to tell us we can’t sell out of region, you are lucky you may have gotten the last car”.

That sounded a bit odd and maybe a little racist so I asked him what region you can sell to, then he said “up to Bakersfield and down to San Diego”, it’s been 2 years and I have yet to find any evidence of BMW restricting car sales by region within state. That was a bizarre episode but a little bit of a buzz kill, imagine picking up your new ride and some dude started all this nonsense.