Deal Check - Ioniq 5 Limited AWD in MA

Hey All, I received a quote from a dealership in MA on a 2024 Ioniq 5 Limited AWD and I’m wondering how it stacks up to other deals people received. This would be either a 24-33 month lease with 10,000 miles/year which is comfortable amount for what we use our car for.

Here are the details the dealership provided:


Does anything stand out in terms of what we should ask for or perhaps better the deal?

Discount is terrible. Learn how to make offers instead or talk to a broker like @Bostoncarconcierge

Rebates are all from Hyundai?

Could you point me in the direction on where to learn to make offers? And yes, all offers are Hyundai

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How is this signed deal different from what I have here besides being a 24-month lease? Looks like the MSRP is the same with ~$10k snd $450/month

You should be getting a $6K discount on an Ioniq 5 before any deal starts to make sense.Check the pre-negotiated deals to see how yours compares before signing anything.

Why digress? Post your calc here for your target deal.

The discount on that one also looks really low.

There’s a new model (refresh but bigger battery, new infotainment, rear wiper, more stuff to be confirmed) coming in the next few months. And those cars haven’t really sold a lot considering every single dealer in Mass has 100s of them. Push for at least 10% off before incentives if you want it or need a car. If no dealer wants to sell these cars at a reasonable price then wait for the new model if you can.