Deal check: Help: 2020 Kia Forte GT Help

Hello super new to leasing but financing I’ve had some experience with.Said they would just pay my current car off even equity. These are starting numbers I got with the dealer and probably horrible… Im trying to find out what I should shoot for, but it seems like vegas dealers are hard to haggle with. Edmunds said : MF .00181 - 54% RES - 2900 Lease Cash.

The quote makes no sense, you need to ask the dealer what MF they’re using. Also, a 800 discount before incentives is atrocious.

Copy that. I agree Tier 1 credit shouldn’t be that so high so I asked them what MF was used. These are rough numbers I got over text. I’m going there tomorrow but wanting to get as much knowledge as I can. Wolfe the GT is one step higher than the GT-line(dumb naming structure from Kia) but also might be an option. Didn’t see that deal.

Found out they were trying to use .00226 not gonna fly. Gonna tell them drop the car price, fix MF and off the accessory package which is useless nitrogen for life and car wash ect.

There could be some hide the weenie going on with the trade, what is it? Have you checked vroom, carvana etc

2016 camaro 2ss. That very well could be going on also.

If you are getting another quote from this dealer, also have them remove the $788 “worry free package”. Not sure what state you are in, but the $489 document fee is also a ripoff.

But it’s for “peace of mind.”


First thing you need to do is not go in. You need to figure out what the deal should be first and then negotiate it before you go in. You will achieve nothing but pain by going in unprepared.


Average doc fee is over 400 in NV.

Yeah I should prob reschedule after I learn some more.

Yeah I second that thought, they’ll just grind you down until you say yes to whatever craptastic deal they’ve sold you on. Get more quotes from other dealers and shop the trade as suggested.

Did you ended it up with a GT ?