Deal Check: BMW i7

Please review…

2023 BMW i7 x60
MSRP: 135,495
Sales price: 115,200 (14.9%)
Taxed incentives: 9900
Tax rate: 7.25
Term: 36 months / 7.5k Miles
MF: 0.0019
Residual: 54%
DAS: 2500
Monthly: 1348

No loyalty, 2500 down. Anything else?

The deal looks solid.

No fleet? You should check.

Assuming that’s a pre-tax $1,348 - @IAC_Scott i7 x60 with a similar msrp for like $1,300 a month and $3,500 DAS. So your deal is looking pretty sold.

Thanks @holeydonut, it includes the taxes as I rolled them into the payment.

@IAC - not sure if the i7 falls under the 7 series category, but I do not see anything for EV vehicles.

Really on the fence with this given the EQS580s can be had for about $1k. I do like the BMW much better from a looks perspective.

There’s no comparison between the two IMHO. The i7 is the better vehicle overall.

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There is one comparison… they are both incredibly ugly when you view the front of the cars.

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the dude your opinion GIF


Nah, objective truth lololol


i7 qualifies for fleet.

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Getting the ‘can’t stack’ run-around… but looking at the fine print, looks doable.

It stacks.

Lol that page literally reads verbatim in big-bold-font (no fine print) These incentives are in addition to current sales offers except loyalty & conquest credits.

What may be happening is the dealership is getting some trunk money as a dealer discount that goes away if this thing flips to fleet… so they’re saying it won’t stack.

It’s probably one of the few remaining option credit ($5,000) cars.

Sounds ENTIRELY possible…lol

Regardless - even if I’m leaving some meat on the bone, I’m feeling ok with the deal.

There’s no reason they shouldn’t give you fleet if you qualify for it. I would press on that.

Ahhhh is the fleet incentive a taxable rebate?

Danny could end up horse trading a dealer discount (not taxable in most states) with a taxable incentive from BMW-Fleet.

Fleet is from BMW and should not affect dealer margins, correct?


Technically Fleet should not affect the dealer margin.

But I’ve done enough incentive planning to know that sometimes a fleet unit gets removed from the count of vehicles sold at retail (not-fleet)… which affects the variable incentive to the dealer.

So they may pull some of their dealer discount since your now-fleet-unit won’t won’t get the spiff at the dealership. However the customer usually pays the same either way (assuming no taxes on the fleet incentive).

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Sounds like a wash, so to speak. Appreciate the insights and …nice car you got there! :wink: