Deal check: Audi Q8 E-trom premium plus MA

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Hey everyone,

I have contacted Audi multiple dealers in my local area (MA) and here is best quote I have. Can you guys let me know what you think? I live in Massachusetts

2024 Q8 Etron premium plus
Discount on selling price: 9.5% off
Rebate: $14000 (7500 EV tax credit, $5000 audi credit, $1500 costco)
Money factor: .00255
Residual value:52%

Also does anyone have info on how much is insurance on Q8 Etron? Thanks!

So what are they quoting you for a monthly payment and due at signing?

The insurance will be based on your zip code (it’s much more expensive if you live in Boston vs living in Lenox), your age, your driving history, etc, so it’s impossible for any of us to tell you what to expect. Call your insurance company and they can give you a quote in under 5 minutes if you give them the VIN.

This is about the payment based quote

Are you doing 12k or 15k miles? Your post says 12k but the calc says 15k.

That was a mistake. Term is 36/15K

Might be able to squeeze them for another 1.5% off when you go in to make a deal. See if they’ll get you to $799/mo with $1500 DAS

Were you able to get a deal with 11% off and similar lease term?

Me personally? Haven’t tried. Others have posted close to that. 10% with base MF and no add-ons would be my target for an acceptable deal, anything higher would be gravy.

Math seems off here. I recently did $83k Q8e P+ for $670/mo on a 36/10 lease with $3k DAS. Find my deal in the forums and compare. I’m in CA so may be some differences

I checked out your post. Its an amazing deal. I have to say. Did you have to qualify for VIP discount or sales person just applied it?

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