Deal Check: 2025 iX 36/10k Lease

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First time leasing a car and appreciate the guidance.
Stopped by a dealer that I purchased from before just to see what they will give me.
This is for a 2025 iX in VA dealership but car will be registered in DE (4.25% tax). includes 3 MSDs and dealer will let me do up to 7 - not sure if I should be putting down more MSDs or not.

Here is my sad attempt of replicating the above in a Calculator.

Post your best attempt at the calculator

Doesn’t BMW have a 1000 loyalty for previous owners?

This is the closest I can get - it’s pretty far off from my screenshot.

Only if I owned or leased a BMW in the last 12 months supposedly…

This is what I am getting with your deal sheet numbers… CALCULATOR | LEASEHACKR

877 (1st month ) + 2700 (3 MSD) = 3577 total due at signing

Thank you! Why is my effective monthly cost from your calculator deviates by $46 from what the dealer is showing?

Cant figure it out either… maybe they are marking up the MF?

Each deposit lowered the MF by 0.00006 so it went from .00066 down to .00048. So I think the MF with my 3 MSD is calculated correctly by the dealer.

MF is showing .00026. Then with 3msd goes down to .00008.

Have you checked out the offerings from @IAC and @IAC_Scott? Your deal is an effective $1,002/month. They have a 99k iX for an effective payment of $889 AFTER the broker fee. That’s a not insignificant savings of over $4,000!

…and that’s with 0 MSDs.

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I’m not sure I follow your math - you factored in a refundable MSD. And what tax location are you arriving at the $889?

Sorry missed that. Looks like your effective payment is then $925/month. However, when I ran the numbers I used 4.5% of monthly payment. I didn’t realize Delaware was a disastrous “tax the selling price” State.

No problem and appreciate the help!
Yeah, DE is not great with leases.

With that said, I guess what the dealer is offering is pretty close to the brokers here? Basically we are about $1k off?

Actually after recalculating with taxing the sales price you have a slightly better deal on your hands, once the broker fee is considered (by roughly $200). You’ve done basically what we say is near impossible and ill-advised. You walked into a dealership without a target deal in mind, but you walked away with an incredibly solid broker level offer.

I think you do still have wiggle room given the relative ease with which you received this, so at this point, with the others here suggesting a MF markup, I’d say push for base MF. Or make it simple and just tell them $850/month makes a deal and see how close they get. At this point making a payment based counter is not a bad thing, in my opinion.

@douglashowitzer thanks for thinking of us, I’ve already offered @Lordhowe an iX fairly close to this in MSRP for an $895/mo effective. I’d be surprised if getting this offer on a walk in didn’t involve even a mention of my numbers, but that’s all good.

You can’t do more than 3 MSD’s on an iX, even if the rate is marked up.

DE tax is unfortunately pretty bad, its 4.25% on the sale price due at registration which they refer to as a “documentation fee” and then 2% (basically) on the monthly receipts.

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That’s right! @IAC_Scott has been incredibly helpful and patient, guiding someone like me who’s never leased a car before. I’ve learned a lot, and he’s definitely earned my business—I’ve already reached out to let him know I’m ready to move forward.

Here’s how things unfolded:
When we went in for the test drive, I didn’t mention I was working with a broker from LH. Afterward, we were presented with an initial offer of 10% off + 0 MSDs. The rep mentioned they had plenty of iX models in stock and, with the 2026 model going into production next month, they were eager to move the 2025s. That’s when I mentioned I was working with a broker. The response: “We work with many brokers, and I can get you a deal without the broker fee.”

Minutes later, I received the second offer I shared above. The entire “negotiation” was very short.

While experiences may vary at different dealerships, my takeaway is that I likely would have reached 13% off, but it might have taken an extra hour. For anyone finding this thread in the future - using a broker here ensures you get the best deal, period. Thanks to everyone for their help!

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Update - Went with @IAC_Scott and taking delivery in 2 weeks. Thanks, everyone!

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