First time even purchasing a car, any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!
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That discount is very weak. You should blur out the VIN’s on any good deals you find. VA is a tough place to find good lease deals because of how they incorporate tax into the lease.
Just a heads up - VA taxes on the cost of the vehicle, not the lease payment itself, so inherently the 24 month is going make the per month cost be worse than a 36 month+ lease.
Currently you are financing that 1960.33 over 24 months ($81/mnth) whereas if you lease at 36 months you take that same tax number down around $50/mnth (assume same rate which isn’t likely true).
well, for one, if the pricing expectations you entered on my inquiry are firm or have to be close to, you’re wasting your time. thats not going to happen in a place with no tax, and it sure wont happen in a place that taxes the full selling price of the car, which is where you are.