Deal check - 2024 Wrangler 4Xe Sahara - $533/mo MA


I’ve never leased before, have been reading up on this website and I’m still unsure if this deal is good. It seems like I’m getting good rebates however the monthly payments add up to a significant amount between cap cost and residual even though the delta is only $8,113 over the course of the lease.

MSRP: 63,155
Discount: 3,174
Applicable Lease Rebates: $14,500
Agreed Upon Value: $45,481
Title/Doc Fee: $495
Reg/Service Fee: $730
Adjusted Cap Cost: $47,269

Monthly Payment: $533/mo for 36 Months
Residual: $39,156
Mileage Allowed Per Year: 12,000

It seems high that i would essentially be paying ~$19,188 for roughly ~8k in depreciation over the 3 year timeframe. I know there are other things baked into the payment so looking for advice here!


How much at signing?

Keep in mind w big rebates and a discount, the money has to come from somewhere and that is the rate.

nothing down other than the title/service fee

Those two numbers don’t make a ton of sense when added

Doc in mass at a Jeep store is usually around 450-700
Reg and title is 175

I’d question that

Also, don’t forget a TDM (private offer) on the jeep site for another $1000

If you have a Jeep in the household, you get another $1500 in loyalty this month on the Sahara 4xes.

Last thing, if you work for a company affiliated w stellantis you’ll also get “affiliate” pricing which should get you an addtl 1% off.

Also, happy to help and do the work for you for a broker fee. But if you’re enjoying the hunt, I’d look into the above in addition to working on a larger discount by about 1-1.5%.

The bulk of the payment on 24 wrangler 4xe leases is rent charge due to the high money factors.

Thanks, appreciate the info

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