This forum has been an incredible resource and I am now able to post! That being said checkout info and let me know what you all think. All advice and comments on how to move forward and what I can possibly do to push dealer lower will help. Thanks
Where are you located? Is this the first offer you have received? If you check the brokers they seem to be getting as much as 12% off plus affiliate additional 2% by signing up for tread lightly and getting a code. Have you considered trying for a 4xe in order to take advantage of the phev discounts. Just some thoughts.
@edinadan I am located in Tampa Florida and yes, this is the very first offer. I am still waiting on MSRP number and not market value number which is what they provided me with. My assumption is that I could negotiate there first. The 4xe has great discounts but not quite comfortable with hybrid. Unfamiliar territory for me. Advice moving forward?
The dealer discount itself seems pretty weak. As far as the 4xe, you don’t ever have to actually drive it as a hybrid, you can just not charge it or let it charge normally if there is regenerative braking (I’m not up to speed on the 4xe) and save a few bucks with the tax credit pass through.
How does it compare to the Marketplace ?
Looks like Stellantis is really pushing to move the aged inventory this month, I would shop around if I were you…
pretty confident nathan @AutoNinjas can get you something a lot better than this. reach out to them, they got me a sweet deal on a 24 GCL 4x4 with pano, lux tech group for about that monthly range.
@max_g Comparatively the MSRP needs to come down. Hopefully there is some wiggle room there.
$1k doc fee? At least take me to dinner first.
Typical of the sunshine state, though.
@Sinzere Are located in FL? If so, what was shipping cost?
@zaimer Tell me about it.
FL is known for being one of the more difficult states for purchasing a vehicle. Its not impossible, but the odds are generally more against you.
Compare your offer with others on here. You may find value in another state (for the overall deal) even with adding the transport/retrieval expense(s).
thanks @zaimer Looking into other states at the moment
MSRP is fixed. Selling price needs to come down and rebates need to be maximized. Do you have lease loyalty and TDM codes?
@max_g I’m glad you mentioned that because I have been confused lately with MSRP being so different between different Brokers and Jeep website.
@max_g TDM code? No lease loyalty
We can absolutely beat this deal, drop an inquiry form and DM us your email so I can look it up, I’ll take a look personally as Nathan is pretty backed up right now.
P.S. Our dealer is in Florida, won’t be any prohibitive shipping costs.
@AutoNinjas DM sent