Deal Check: 2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 Disney100 (Limited) in Tennessee

Hey, y’all! Wanted to get a gut check on this lease deal. I’m in TN.

MSRP: $59,400
Selling price: $43,750

24 months, 12k miles: $1514 down, $386/month

It’s two hours away, and they are offering to deliver, which is a nice perk. Other dealerships I’ve spoken to don’t seem to be getting close to this.

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Post your best attempt at the LH calculator.

Not a lot of details here, but I believe the rebate is 12.5k on the ioniq 5 limited which means you are getting 3,150 off MSRP which is competitive based on what I have seen in VA.

Can you populate the calculator with more of the details for a better chance at good feedback?

Thanks! This is the best I could do in the calculator. It’s within $10: Leasehackr Calculator - Hack your next lease | Leasehackr

Also, the relevant bits from the worksheet they gave me

I’ll let more experienced people weigh in, but this looks solid to me. ~5k off up front and <$400/mnth for a 60k car feels like a winner and I’d probably do it if I were you.

I’m actually looking at the EV6 in VA and wish people would give 5k off pre-rebate. I’m struggling to get 2-3k.

Good luck and let us know if you land it!

This looks like a pretty solid deal. There might still be some wiggle room left in it, but even with these numbers it’s good.

Went back to the dealer I hoped would win and did one last round of negotiations. Ended up at first month’s payment due at signing and $433.59 x 23 payments after that. I’m totally happy with that. Thanks, y’all!

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Excellent! Congrats and enjoy the new ride!